Pengunguman Penting
Written By Tolop Marbun Academy on Kamis, 01 April 2021 | 18.29
Sehubungan dengan kesibukan saya belakangan ini sehingga beberapa blog saya terbengkala, bahkan sampai kelupaan pasword sehingga tidak bisa diakses, secara khusus blog saya Tolop Marbun Ministry dan juga blog saya khusus belajar tenses, Easy English Grammar. Saya sedang berusaha memulihkan akun tersebut, oleh karena itu saya akan mengaktifkan kembali blog ini, terutama karena Feedreadernya sudah banyak. Dalam beberapa hari ke depan harap memaklumi karena saya akan mendesign ulang blog ini.
Selama blogtersebut itu belum pulih, maka blog ini akan menjadi blog resmi. Sehubungan hal tersebut, beberapa materi yang saya bahas dalam webiste tersebut, saya akan update sesuai dengan ketersediaan waktu.
Gerunds or present participles?
Written By Tolop Marbun Academy on Sabtu, 04 Februari 2012 | 02.39
Gerunds or present participles?
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Gerund dan Present Participle
We can use -ing forms (e.g. drinking, singing, smoking, running etc.) not only as verbs, but also like adjectives, adverbs or nouns.
- You are drinking too much these days. (Here the -ing form is part of the present continuous verb.)
- Barking dogs seldom bite. (Here the -ing form is used like an adjective. It modifies the noun dogs.)
- She ran out of the room crying. (Here the -ing form is used like an adverb.)
- Smoking is injurious to health. (Here the -ing form is used like a noun.)
When -ing forms are used as verbs, adjectives or adverbs, they are called present participles. Note that a present participle can refer to the present, past or future.
When -ing forms are used like nouns, they are called gerunds.
Point out the present participles and gerunds in the following sentences.
1. He has ruined his lungs by smoking.
2. Asking questions is easier than answering them.
3. We saw a clown standing on his head.
4. He hates spending money.
5. Waving their hands, the spectators cheered the runners.
6. We are fighting a losing battle.
7. It is freezing cold.
8. We are confident of winning the election.
9. The boy cried thinking that he would be whipped.
10. Can you teach me painting?
1. Smoking – Gerund (object of the preposition by)
2. Asking – Gerund (subject of the verb is)
3. Standing – participle (used like an adjective qualifying the noun clown)
4. Spending – gerund (object of the verb hates)
5. Waving – participle (used like an adjective qualifying the noun spectators)
6. Fighting – participle (used to form the present continuous verb)
7. Freezing – participle (used like an adverb qualifying the adjective cold)
8. Winning – gerund (object of the preposition of)
9. Thinking – Participle (used like an adverb qualifying the verb cried)
10. Painting – gerund (object of the verb teach)
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